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10 Ideas to Get Loyal Customers

Having a loyalty program isn’t enough, you also need to promote it to make the most out of it. Read this quick guide to know some of the best promotional ideas for your loyalty program!

Loyalty programs are a sure-shot way for business success. But, simply building a loyalty program won’t do any good to your brand. For it to be successful, you need to attract a wide audience base for your loyalty program.

You need to get customers to reap the benefits of your program. More than this, you need excellent loyalty program promotion ideas for its success. There are plenty of ways to get visibility for your program and deliver value.

We will discuss a few of them, so that you can skip the hard work and get started on promoting it immediately. But before any promotions, make sure you invest in the right loyalty program software and the time to get it.

10 Loyalty Program Promotion Ideas

1. Leverage social media campaigns

The marketing era has taken a 360-degree turn, making social media marketing a necessity for all businesses. The massive audience on social media provides you the opportunity to reach both existing and new customers who might be interested in joining your customer loyalty program.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are important touch points used by brands for daily audience interaction that can help build a sense of community around your brand and loyalty program. You can use social media to spread the word about your loyalty program and how its exciting rewards can help the loyal members.

You can host contests and giveaways, polls, quizzes, live Q&A, and create targeted marketing ads to build excitement about your loyalty program. Make sure you also have a dedicated landing page for easy sign-up to your customer loyalty program.

2. Communicate the working of your loyalty program

Customers always choose brands with clear communication. They appreciate transparency. So, clearly explaining how your loyalty program works builds trust and leaves no room for confusion.

When customers understand how your loyalty program works and how they can earn rewards, they are more likely to join it and gain the benefits.

Use various communication channels like social media, SMS, email, or WhatsApp to keep your customers informed about the same. It will educate your customers about your loyalty program and strengthen their connection to your brand.

3. Show social proof to your customers

Showing social proof to customers has always worked when it comes to successful loyalty program advertising. It’s because real-time case studies or success stories demonstrate the value and integrity of your loyalty program. Moreover, social proof helps you build credibility and establish trust with your audience.

Most of the time, customers tend to make an informed decision based on other customers’ opinions or experiences. Their behaviour is often influenced by others. Thus, social proof acts as one of the best marketing ideas to encourage customer participation in your loyalty program.

4. Offer a sign-up incentive as a reward

Rewards and exclusive deals have never failed to attract the eyeballs of the audience. A welcome reward will make them feel valued and special. It will not only boost the value of your program but also increase the appeal of your marketing campaign. Hence, giving a discount offer or any form of reward whenever a customer joins the loyalty program is a great way to get more and more people to enrol.

For example, H&M offers a 10% discount for the next purchase if you join their club.

5. Use gamification

Using gamification to encourage customers to sign up for your loyalty program is an effective strategy and one of the most used marketing ideas due to its ability to engage, motivate, and create a sense of enjoyment.

It provides a feeling of accomplishment, even for small tasks. As customers complete various sign-up steps or challenges, they experience a sense of progress and achievement. Furthermore, it also triggers intrinsic motivation, where customers engage not just for external rewards but because they find the process itself enjoyable and satisfying.

Remember that the gamification elements should align with your brand identity and the preferences of your target audience. Thoughtful and well-designed gamification can create a memorable and positive first interaction with your customer loyalty program.

6. Partner with other businesses

Collaborations and partnerships are great ways to offer loyalty rewards to attract customers from partner businesses and improve the appeal of your loyalty program. It’s a win-win situation for both businesses.

You can get an opportunity to offer rewards and deals that you may not have offered in the first place. Collaborations set your loyalty program apart from others by offering unique rewards and opportunities that customers can’t find elsewhere.

It also opens doors with fresh ideas and perspectives, allowing you to always try new promotion ideas to get more customers for your loyalty program and build a community.

7. Use email and message marketing

Customers might miss your social media campaigns.In such a case, SMS, WhatsApp, and email are great channels to let your customers know about your loyalty program.

These communication channels have a higher opening rate. Customers have their mobile phones with them 24*7. So, the chances of missing email or text messages are very low. It allows you to segment the list based on customer journey. This way, a particular email, WhatsApp, or SMS marketing campaign reaches relevant audiences, making this experience more personalised for them.

By using both email and message marketing, you can reach your audience through multiple channels, cater to different communication preferences, and maximize your chances of effectively promoting your loyalty program and driving sign-ups.

8. Use popup banners on the website

Popup banners are a great opportunity to increase the number of signups and improve the value of your loyalty program. They can be anywhere on the website—front and centre or at the bottom. Irrespective of the place, these pop-up banners can increase visibility and push your audience to sign up for the loyalty program.

9. Use your physical store to promote your loyalty program

In-store interactions provide a personal touch that digital channels can’t replicate. Your staff can explain the benefits of the loyalty program and address any questions or concerns in real time.

You can display physical banners, brochures, and promotional materials that customers can see, touch, and take with them, creating a lasting impression. Customers can sign up for the loyalty program on the spot, eliminating the need to navigate to a website or app later. This instant sign-up can lead to higher conversion rates.

Make sure to Train your staff to effectively communicate the value of the loyalty program and encourage customers to sign up. Their enthusiasm can influence customer participation.

10. Organise an exclusive event to promote your loyalty program

Events always create memorable experiences for customers. More than this, they create a feeling of FOMO, especially for customers who fail to attend the same. When customers miss an event of their favourite brands, they feel that they are missing out on something valuable. So, organising an event is indeed a great way to promote your loyalty program.

It provides an opportunity for face-to-face interaction with your customers, allowing you to personally explain the benefits of your loyalty program and answer their questions. Participants at events can physically interact with your loyalty program’s features, rewards, and mechanics, enhancing their understanding and motivation to join.

Events also offer a unique opportunity to engage with customers on a personal level, immerse them in your loyalty program’s value, and foster a strong connection between your brand and your audience.


How will your customers use your loyalty program if they aren’t aware of the same? So, designing a loyalty program isn’t enough. It’s important to promote it if you want to reach a wide audience and improve its overall value and engagement.

These loyalty program promotion ideas can be a game changer for your business if used wisely; however, before executing these ideas, make sure they align with your brand values and ultimately help in achieving your business goals and getting more signups for your loyalty program.

If you want to design a personalised loyalty program and generate excellent results, sign up on Reelo for free.

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